Monday 24 November 2014


Introspectively I have come to the last unit of Develop Self - CE 3: Develop and maintain professional competence. During this short time the knowledge I gained has been tremendous. Starting my learning journey with CE 1: Communicate effectively which is apt as a starting point, in CE 2: Lead team decision making, the focus is in greater detail.

In reviewing my own performance as a leader both at home and work, I begin to see my strengths and limitations. This brings me back the memory lane.

My first real working experience was in the government sector. Being young and ambitious, I was overjoyed when I was offered the post of an Executive Officer. I had to supervise subordinates who were older and more experienced. While I had the drive and motivation (my strengths), one of my limitations was lacking in experience. I also sensed the lack of respect from some of the staffs. 

Due to my immaturity, my initial response was to assert authority (which I find ridiculous now). I then sought my manager for assistance in dealing with the situation. I began to notice how different his leadership style as compared to mine and I was determined to learn from him to become a better leader in future. Now being in LPM, I know the difference between a boss and a leader.

Realising it now, it would have been better if I had the right mindset at that time. Leadership is a process, not a position (Hughes, 2012). 

I am interested in Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule). As a leader, how do you see a problem? Your mindset plays a crucial role. If you are proactive, you will see 20% as problems and 80% as solutions.

I learnt that leadership is "a complex form of social problem solving". An effective leader should have self-developmental plan, set good example and the skill to identify strengths and limitations. Besides participating in meetings, giving and receiving feedback, it is important to have an open and honest relationship.

"Good leadership is more than just making decisions on a calculated risks, proper planning and following checklists; it is about one's ability to touch the feelings of others". 

Lastly, this is the kind of leader I would like to be...

Saturday 15 November 2014


Ms Sofi, our trainer, started CE2 lesson by asking the class the difference between good and bad leadership. The question made me ponder about myself. What kind of a leader am I both at work and home? This is important as effective leaders or managers undertake specific functions.

To make it simple for my understanding (POLC):
Planning - setting of goals to be achieved. Example IKEA
Organising - allocation of resources (putting the right people at the right job). Example Ford Motor
Leading - ability to influence and motivate employees toward goal achievement. Example Google
Controlling - monitor progress towards goals and take corrective action. Example Toyota

As a teacher, what did I learn from this?

Planning - Decide the most appropriate course of actions to ensure proper utilization of resources to achieve the lesson objectives.

Organising - Whether it is classification of group activities or assignment of duties, the need to delegate authority and create students' sense of responsibility is very important.
Leading - An effective teacher is someone who can lead, motivate and have an open communication with the students.

Controlling - Teachers should anticipate problems before they occur and take corrective actions. Example if a student misbehaves, teacher can use non-verbal cues or low-profile intervention so that others are not distracted. To use positive discipline to reinforce the good behavior.

Lastly, I find these videos inspiring...

Saturday 8 November 2014


The first unit of the LPM workshop focuses on 'Develop Self'. Personally, I believe in lifelong learning "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave". "The purpose of seeking knowledge ultimately is such that the self will attain happiness in this world and the hereafter".

Why did I enrol for this course? I believe leadership roles can be applied to any situation, not just in working environment, where you are required to take lead, professionally, socially and at home. Of course I am interested to learn the skills to be an effective leader and develop my leadership style. I have also learnt that leadership is all about having a vision of where you want to be and achieving this vision.

When asked who is my inspirational leader, definitely Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. comes to mind. Among other leaders, Nelson Mandela was mentioned. What did I learn from this inspirational leader? He dedicated himself for South Africans' freedom. To be a leader, one has to have a vision and "he must be in it not for himself." With this in mind, to be an inspiring leader, one of the challenges I face is influencing and motivating the students. I need to build trust and love them.

Next was a group activity. Petronas Twin Tower was given as an example. Bearing in mind the mission and vision to build the tallest building, I find it interesting since we had to be creative and involved teamwork. When I reflected, it was not just a game but an activity to communicate effectively and lead team decision making. 

Why is communication important? According to DeFleur (1993) "...The ability to communicate accurately and sensitively can make the difference between success and failure." By understanding these models, I can improve my interpersonal skills through effective communication by choosing the one that best suits the situation, This is important for me especially when dealing with difficult students in a situation such as counselling or disciplinary action since I need to take into account the five senses and non-verbal cues. To simplify:
1) Action Model - one way, specific message, using mass media; sms, advertisements
2) Reaction Model - two way, seek feedback and comments through the five senses
3) Transaction Model - two way, shared responsibilities and meaning, work performance appraisal (negotiation)

The next set of activity involved presentation skill which is a key skill to get your message or opinion across clearly and effectively. I realized that the greatest leaders of all time are also fantastic orators and communicators. On rotation basis, each group while interacting had to use the 5Ws and H to present and share. As a teacher, we teach students to work on a smart strategy - to summarize any text using the 5Ws and H. It is a tough skill to learn which they can transfer to their writing.

I am impressed with Simon Sinek TED talk- Start With Why -"when we talk inside out we are talking to the part of the brain that controls behavior and decision making and not language. The goal is to hire people who believe what you believe. They will work for you blood and sweat and tears. People don't buy what you do but why you do it. You will attract those who believe what you believe. Those who lead inspire us. Those that start with Why have the ability to inspire." This is really an eye-opener. It gives me an insight on how to communicate effectively with my superiors, colleagues, subordinates and students.

I am also interested in Professor Albert Mehrabian communication studies. In dealing with people, it is important to take note of the body language which makes up 55% of communication. Bearing in mind that communication is not just words, a lot comes through non-verbal and we need to pay more attention to them. Another challenge I face is to know if the students are saying the truth by listening to their tone of voice and body language since they are harder to control than words when determining whether they may be lying or otherwise.

Lastly, I find that the highlights of CE1 are both Simon Sinek and Professor Albert Mehrabian. Their views have broaden my perspective on communication and people management.

Walk your talk.

Walk your talk.