Saturday 15 November 2014


Ms Sofi, our trainer, started CE2 lesson by asking the class the difference between good and bad leadership. The question made me ponder about myself. What kind of a leader am I both at work and home? This is important as effective leaders or managers undertake specific functions.

To make it simple for my understanding (POLC):
Planning - setting of goals to be achieved. Example IKEA
Organising - allocation of resources (putting the right people at the right job). Example Ford Motor
Leading - ability to influence and motivate employees toward goal achievement. Example Google
Controlling - monitor progress towards goals and take corrective action. Example Toyota

As a teacher, what did I learn from this?

Planning - Decide the most appropriate course of actions to ensure proper utilization of resources to achieve the lesson objectives.

Organising - Whether it is classification of group activities or assignment of duties, the need to delegate authority and create students' sense of responsibility is very important.
Leading - An effective teacher is someone who can lead, motivate and have an open communication with the students.

Controlling - Teachers should anticipate problems before they occur and take corrective actions. Example if a student misbehaves, teacher can use non-verbal cues or low-profile intervention so that others are not distracted. To use positive discipline to reinforce the good behavior.

Lastly, I find these videos inspiring...

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